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Strategic Partners 
Affinity Asset Management & Mark Roberts


Affinity Asset Management is a full-service financial advisory firm, specializing in Money Management, Retirement Tax Strategies, Retirement Income Design, and Retirement Planning. We focus on strategy and service before product selection. Our unique approach has earned us the ultimate compliment clients can give: referrals.

As an independent financial advisory firm, we are able to offer many options that clients might not otherwise have. We represent more than one company, which means more product choices for you! Using the strength that comes with choice creates an advantage you can count on. After we design a strategy, we’ll seek the products best suited for your goals. We have learned that the fastest way to help you create a workable plan is to focus on smart retirement tax strategies, not aggressive investment selection. Our goal and yours are the same, to provide you with the largest net income on the least gross income.

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